If the program has very much liked you, but money to registration at you is not present, you can take advantage of purchase of license number by method Free-Of-Charge.
Method Free-Of-Charge:
1) You can translate the program and the documentation on the program on another language, except for Russian and English, having compressed files in Zip archive to send it on e-mail tsoftware@yandex.ru with subject “Free-Of-Charge ioGO”
2) To create own skin, using program SkinBuilder (http: //iogosystem.narod.ru/zip/sbuild.zip), to compress files in Zip archive and to send it on e-mail tsoftware@yandex.ru with subject “Free-Of-Charge ioGO”
3) Register the program or a site of the program in search systems or in known catalogues of the software (for example, www.freesoft.ru, www.download.com, www.softseek.com, www.listsoft.ru, etc.) also send on e-mail tsoftware@yandex.ru with subject “Free-Of-Charge ioGO” the letter with the text which will contain not less than 5 references to catalogues of the software where you will register the program.
4) If you the competent user send not less than 20 wishes in improvement of the program or not less than 5 complaints, to e-mail tsoftware@yandex.ru with subject “Free-Of-Charge ioGO”